Committed To Curiosity

About Coffee With A Question
I suppose I should start with introducing myself. I'm Devon Herrera and I'm addicted to a conversation... is that insensitive to AA? We'll say no. I remember going on my first date and telling my partner I get bored easily - that I need to be challenged and mentally stimulated... well, he listened, or his ability to converse just comes naturally. Either way, Coffee With A Question originated out of pure curiosity. Over breakfast [lunch and dinner], the conversation flows; it could be over something we recently saw in the news, a new movie we need to decipher [still working out Inception], or the behavioral health epidemic in our country, god forbid, corona-virus. One morning, we were having a debate [if it was better to have your food prepared or your house cleaned for you] and decided to throw the question up on the all-mighty Instagram to hear what "the people" had to say. These 'every so often' questions turned into daily questions, which have turned into weekly blogs, with guest writers. The purpose of Coffee With A Question will be to dive further into these thoughts in an effort to better understand human nature - sometimes in a lighthearted way, sometimes taken more seriously, but most importantly, to continue the conversation.
Talk to us!
Send us any topics you'd like covered, or, if you have a story you'd like shared, don't be shy... reach out! This platform is about continuing the conversation, supporting one another, and staying curious.